the best thing that ever happened to you?
honestly I don't know,
that my life is so terrible, it's just that.. by asking this question to
myself, I realize that there are soooo many beautiful things in life that I
can't pick one. I should be really thankful because I am so blessed :) (I must
admit that I have been ranting a lot lately. I over-think about everything,
making things that are supposed to be simple become super complicated, asking
too many "what if's", and end up feeling upset of myself. Pathetic I
know -_-) maybe it's also because of the hectic school life that i become super
moody. I mean it's really hard for me.. I used to never care about what grade I
get for my exams and no one cares about it and yet it was so easy to score full
marks. And then suddenly here everything matters. There is this pressure that
people expect scholars to do better than others, scholars should never do
badly. It's like I have never put this much effort on studying but yet I keep on failing my tests especially for subjects like Social Studies and Literature. I often feel like I don't wanna do this anymore, I want my old life
back, I want to go home. but then I keep on reminding myself that I should be
thankful, this is a good school. I'll give my best and let the rest into God's
hand. It's not gonna be easy but it's gonna be worth it, right? :p hahaha
and I really want to thank my friends (you know who you are ;)) for having been
so supportive in helping me go through the so called "storms" of
life. those kind of words like "semangat yaa!" actually
really mean so much to me. yes. really :)
So this post is gonna be about one of the best things that have ever happened to me. Introducing International Evangelical Church (IEC), my church in Singapore :D IEC is one of the best things that have ever happened to me. Here I meet my fellow Indonesians and we have been growing physically and spiritually together :) umm I'm not good at putting thoughts into words so I shall stop writing and start posting the pictures now ._. hahaha
we also had welcoming tea for our new juniors. didn't take many pictures coz I was playing the games :D hehe

and.. some videos
our first body worship. "The Potter's Hand"
a song for our friend, Valerie. She's going back to continue her studies in Indonesia. It's the Indonesian version from "Friends - Michael W. Smith".
Well bye now! posting this from a hotel room in Bandung. Holiday posts coming soon! =) hahaha
christie giovanni ♥