Hey guys! =) I've been here in Singapore for 1 month and a week! wow yay me time passed by so fast! :D I think I'm kinda used to it already and I love my life here :) hahaha
Anyway, unfamiliar scenes of chaos and confusion unfolded last night in MRT stations across central Singapore the day before last night. Have you guys seen it on the internet? or in the newspaper, maybe? It was indeed a chaos. Just before 7 pm, thousands of commuters were plunged into total darkness as trains on the North-South Line suddenly lost power and ground to a halt. I believe you can imagine how it felt, being trapped for an hour in a windowless carriages where the air-conditioning had also failed, before eventually being rescued by SMRT staff. Some train windows were smashed to let in air.
So, last night, Hanny, Emily, Felecia, Vera, and I came home from school and went to Popular Bookstore which is located in toa payoh. \After the quick short shopping, we went to the toa payoh MRT station at 7.10, expecting to be home at 7.30 so that we can join the Art and Craft lesson at the hostel. That's when we saw the multitude and notice signs and heard loud non-stop beeping sounds.

First of all, I called Ms. Inez, our Assistant House Mistress (AHM) and reported to her that we were going to be late. *for the fact that I didn't know the train would not work for a very long time* So we waited for about half an hour and called her back. We asked whether we should wait again or take a bus. She told us to take bus number 139 and stop at "something"cc. Then, we should take another bus heading to Newton Station Emily, who was on the phone didn't hear the "something" but we confidently took the bus, but couldn't find the "something"cc bus stop. So, we stopped and went down at the 4th bus stop, where we found out that it wasn't a very good idea. The place was so empty, no people nor cars passing by. Only the five of us in the darkness. Still. Laughing was our first reaction. We were supposed to be crying righttt lol -_-
fake scenes ^ lol
We tried to call Ms. Inez a few times , but she didn't answer. We called Ms. Yindy, another AHM, asked for help. Luckily, while we were calling her, a bus on opposite direction stopped by. We hopped in and arrived back at toa payoh soon. Ms. Yindy told us to take bus no. 153 or 151, we waited for maybe about 20 minutes but we can't see any of them passing by.
However, there is this SMRT bus, which could take us take us to Newton station. The bus was empty so it felt like our private bus. :D Moreover, the ride was totally FREE ;D
So.. we arrived at Newton Station and found Ms. Yindy there, waiting for us <3 We walked back to Oldham Hall together and arrived at 8.55pm. The art and craft lesson was almost over. Everyone was actually done with all 3 crafts (christmas hat, necklace and earrings, and stars to hang on the ceiling). Luckily we still got the chance to make our christmas hats, which was actually compulsory because we're gonna wear it in carolling. :D
It felt greaaattt afterall. Everything that night! I felt like one of the famous five characters, written by Enid Blyton :D would be even more fun if we were trapped inside the train too x) hahahahahaha
see you next post! soon I hope :)
christie giovanni ♥